
搜狐焦点昆明站 2017-12-15 09:45:20





欧拉·艾文、赫尔曼·福克斯、安德烈亚斯·格尔岑、莱纳·汉德、罗伯特·海蒂诗、赫伯特·霍普芬斯佩格、鲁道夫·赫特、玛丽安·珂瑞琪玛、乔纳斯·拉森、奥莲娜·布拉提契克·林斯、尼克·尼古拉迪斯、大卫·帕罗特、科妮莉亚·雷吉妮·朴劳伊、克劳斯·瑞瑟、薇尔玛·罗氏、图查伊·拓扑库、霍斯特·瓦格纳、尤利亚斯·福克利(1879 - 1944)

策展人:努尔·努瑞 林善文 

联合策展人:高玉洁 萨拉·哈森 达沃德·哈泽

开幕时间: 2017年12月16日(周六)下午4点

展览时间: 2017年12月16日-2018年1月15日

主办单位:昆明斗南艺术馆 汉堡帕斯敏艺术画廊


“Recognition of New Artistic Voices in Kunming”

International Contemporary Art Exhibition

Press release

The multi-national and multicultural conversations among artists form a mosaic of artistic voices, a symphony of colors, both individual and collective, with a variety of backgrounds, ages and origins. Clearly and thoughtfully, each one via his/her sophisticated artistic techniques creates a small individual world on canvas which reflects his/her multimodal nature and social context. Through involvement in artistic encounters with other voices the individual voice of the artist is seen and heard better and s/he comes from the marginal positions to the mainstream.

While “Multiculturalism” as a term appeared in the early 1970s but the phenomenon has lived from centuries before.  “Stemming from the Latin word‚ ‘colere’, which means to cultivate or till the soil, the notion of culture has always had a double meaning: a specific activity resulting in explicit artefacts, and the way in which society rises above nature, where culture becomes an implicit dimension of social life as such and defines a collectivity as a ‘personality writ large’” (Joppke and Lukes, Multicultural Questions, OUP, 1999: 3).

The theme of the exhibition is “Recognition of New Artistic Voices in Kunming”.  This exhibition will show how each individual artist from the West creates his/ her own voice and is represented in a multicultural, multi-colorful art scene of the East. The main purpose of Dounan Art Museum and Pashmin Art Consortia through presenting this vast scope of artists is to bridge the cultural and artistic gap between different cultures and countries.

At this group exhibition, a special section is devoted to Julius Voegtli (1879 - 1944), one of the forerunners of Impressionism in Switzerland.


Ola Arvén, Hermann Fuchs, Andreas Görzen, Rainer Haindl, Robert Hettich, Herbert Hopfensperger, Rudolf Hürth, Marian Kretschmer, Jonas Larson, Olena Bratiychuk Linse, Niko Nikolaidis, David Parrott, Cornelia Regine Prawitt, Klaus Risse, Wilma Rösch, Tuncay Topcu, Horst Wagner, Julius Voegtli(1879 - 1944)

CURATORS: Nour Nouri, Lin Shanwen

CO-CURATORS: Doki Gao, Zahra Hasson, Davood Khazaie

OPENING: 4:00 p.m., Dec. 16, 2017

EXHIBITION DATES: Dec.16, 2017 - Jan. 15, 2018

ORGANIZERS: Dounan Art Museum, Pashmin Art Consortia

VENUE: Dounan Art Museum, 5th floor, Hall 3, Dounan Flower Market, Chenggong District, Kunming
